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CCB-IC Welcomes Ms.Luljeta Arifi from the Kosovo Council for Cultural Heritage

Ms.Arifi came to Japan on the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations’Local Government Officials Training Program in Japan, and is working as trainee in Chiba Prefecture for roughly six months.

The Chiba Convention Bureau and International Center(CCB-IC) enjoyed hosting
Ms.Arifi for two days from October 21st to the 22nd. Tourism is an important industry for Kosovo, so Ms.Arifi was introduced to CCB-IC. She was especially interested in the CCB-ICs activities in garnering support from the local community for convention sales and support and the spirit of hospitality implemented at the hotels near the Tokyo Disney Resort in Urayasu City.

As part of the exchange, Ms.Arifi gave a presentation on Kosovo to the CCB-IC’s English language volunteers. The volunteers learned about Kosovo’s history, culture, and current state of affairs. The presentation also included pictures and video of Kosovo’s rich natural beauty and cultural properties. For both the volunteers and CCB-IC staff, Ms.Arifi’s visit was a precious opportunity to learn about the country.

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