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Multilingual Guides for Shopping and Eating in Chiba City

To make eating, shopping, and visiting Chiba City a smoother experience for tourists who don’t speak Japanese, the city has created a multilingual guide to food, shopping, and other services. Visitors can browse the list of stores or search for what they want, such as vegetarian and halal options. The guide is available in downtown Chiba City/Chiba-minato and Makuhari New City versions, each in 15 languages including English, Korean, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Thai, Indonesian, and more.

For store owners, the city has also created a foreign language menu-maker, a point-and-speak guide, pictograms to illustrate various allergies and food restrictions, and an extensive manual on how to be accommodating to the varied needs of tourists from all over the world. With these resources in their repertoire, vendors can show tourists Chiba City hospitality despite language barriers.

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