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The La Festa Mille Miglia 2024 was successfully held

An event of a classic the La Festa Mille Miglia 2024 was held on Friday, September 27, 2024. The La Festa Mille Miglia is an official classic car race event by the International Classic Car Federation held every May in Italy, and started in Japan in 1997.

This year, the race started at Harajuku in Tokyo, and traveled about 1,300 kilometers passing through one metropolitan area and six prefectures (mainly in the Tohoku region), and ran through Chiba Prefecture from the evening of Sunday, the 29th to Monday, the 30th. The participating vehicles were 66 classic cars from the past, including Bugatti, Bentley, and Porsche, manufactured between 1919 and 1967.

On the final day, the participants raced through Naritasan Shinshoji Temple, Shibayama, Tsurigasaki Beach, Tsuki no Sabaku Park, Katsuura City, Tsukizaki Station, Kisarazu Umakutanosato Roadside Station, Tokyo German Village, and other areas, finishing at Makuhari Bay Town. These course in Chiba highlights various scenic views Prefecture where participants have had peek of the beautiful Autumn season. Many people gathered at the finish line to welcome each of the famous cars that had reached the finish line.

The Chiba Convention Bureau is proud to be part of this event through various activities from planning to local coordination, and more.

Access this years' photo gallery through La Festa Mille Miglia 2024 website.

The La Festa Mille Miglia 2025 is scheduled to be held in September.

Together with supporting members and other stakeholders, we will continue to work proactively to raise awareness of Chiba Prefecture as a MICE host city and to attract more events like this one.

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