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NASA-JAXA Hyperwall Lecture

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The NASA-JAXA Hyperwall Lecture will be held in conjunction to the Japan Geoscience Union 2024 Meeting to be held on Sunday, May 26 to Friday, May 31, 2024. The lecture is aimed for aspiring future space scientist and researchers of junior and senior high school. The contents will feature the latest research in planetary exploration, the heliosphere, earth observation, and other areas which are easy-to-understand and tailored for this age group of students. After each lecture will be question and answer portion where students can ask researchers questions directly, and will be followed by a networking event. In addition to the lecture, there will be other activities lined up.

For details about the lecture and how to participate, please click here (Japanese only).

For public events schedule, click here (Japanese only).
For hyperwall lecture pamphlet, click here (Japanese only).