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Why Chiba

Facts & Figures


In Chiba Prefecture, there are modern large-scale shopping malls as well as world-famous theme parks and at the same time, you can also see historical townscapes in which are remaining the vestiges of ancient times, fishing villages where a unique culture is still living, deep green woodlands and splendid sceneries all along the coastline, making it a prefecture overflowing with a variety of charms. In addition, it is boasting the position of Japan’s Top-Class in both fishery and stock-breeding industries, representing a reservoir of agricultural and marine products for which special attention was paid to volume and quality.

Chiba in figures

Area 5,157.64km2
Population 6,275,564
Districts 54 municipalities (37 cities, 16 towns, 1 village)
Language Japanese
Currency Yen


Boasting Japan's overall third-highest agricultural output, Chiba Prefecture is the only in Japan to enter the top 10 in all kind of fields with high-ranked position at national-level for fishery industry, manufacturing industry, trade and gross prefectural domestic production.
For more information , please see the link: https://www.pref.chiba.lg.jp/english/introduction/industry.html


Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
6.2 5.7 10.0 14.3 19.6 22.7 26.1 27.1 22.6 18.8 14.1 7.8
43.2 42.3 50.0 57.7 67.3 72.9 79.0 80.8 72.7 65.8 57.4 46.0
Sunshine hours 194 119 193 212 238 147 190 197 153 136 136 201
44.0 148.5 106.0 101.0 104.5 303.5 90.5 71.5 60.5 285.0 85.0 95.5
1.73 5.85 4.17 3.98 4.11 11.95 3.56 2.81 2.38 11.22 3.35 3.76

Public holidays in Japan in 2025

Jan 1 New Year's Day
Jan 13 Coming-of-Age Day
Feb 11 National Foundation Day
Feb 23 The Emperor's Birthday
Mar 20 Vernal Equinox Day
Apr 29 Shōwa Day
May 3 Constitution Memorial Day
May 4 Greenery Day
May 5 Children's Day
Jul 21 Marine Day
Aug 11 Mountain Day
Sept 15 Respect-for-the-Aged Day
Sept 23 Autumnal Equinox Day
Oct 13 Sports Day
Nov 3 Culture Day
Nov 23 Labor Thanksgiving Day

Emergency numbers

Police 110
Fire/Ambulance 119


The voltage used throughout Japan is uniformly 100 volts, A.C. There are two kinds of frequencies in use; 50 Hertz in eastern Japan and 60 Hertz in western Japan (including Nagoya, Kyoto and Osaka).
A convertible type of electrical appliance such as a hair dryer, travel iron and shaver will therefore be handy; otherwise a step-up transformer is required to convert the voltage.
There are no columnar-shaped plugs or 3-pin plugs used in Japan but 2-flat-pin plugs are used instead. It is therefore advised to purchase a plug adapter beforehand.

Time zone

All of Japan is in the same time zone, 9 hours ahead of G.M.T. No Daylight Saving Time is practiced in Japan.
Shown below is a list of time differences between Japan and other major international cities.

Visa Regulations

Any foreign visitor who wishes to enter Japan must have a passport, which will remain valid during the period of stay.
Nationals of many countries are eligible to enter Japan without a visa unless the purpose of the visit is to reside in Japan, to obtain employment or to otherwise engage in remunerative activities.
The following is a list of nationals of countries that have "Reciprocal Visa Exemption Arrangements" with Japan:

For more information, visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan homepage

For a period of 90 days or less

Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria(*7), Bahamas, Barbados(*6), Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany(*7), Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong(*3), Hungary, Iceland, Ireland(*7), Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lesotho(*6), Liechtenstein(*7), Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macao(*4), Malaysia(*1), Malta, Mauritius, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, San Marino, Serbia(*2), Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Surinam, Sweden, Switzerland(*7), Taiwan(*5), Tunisia, Turkey(*6), United Kingdom(*7), United States and Uruguay

For a period of 15 days or less

Thailand(*2) and Brunei

(*1) For nationals of Malaysia (since July 1, 2013), visas are not required only for holders of ePassport in compliance with ICAO standards. Those who do not hold such ePassport are advised to obtain a visa in advance, otherwise will be strictly examined and may be refused entry to Japan.
(*2) For nationals of Thailand (since July 1, 2013) and Serbia (since May 1, 2013), visas are not required only for holders of ePassport in compliance with ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) standards.
(*3) For citizens of Hong Kong, visas are not required only for holders of Special Administrative Region (SAR) passport issued by the Hong Kong SAR of the People’s Republic of China or British National Overseas (BNO) passports who have the right of residence in Hong Kong.
(*4) For citizens of Macao, visas are not required only for holders of SAR passport issued by the Macao SAR of the People’s Republic of China.
(*5) For citizens of Taiwan, visas are not required only for holders of Taiwan passport which includes a personal identification number.
(*6) For nationals of Barbados (since April 1, 2010), Turkey (since April 1, 2011) and Lesotho (since April 1, 2010), visas are not required only for holders of Machine-Readable Passport (MRP) or ePassport in compliance with ICAO standards. Those who do not hold an MRP or ePassport are advised to obtain a visa in advance, otherwise will be strictly examined and may be refused entry to Japan.
(*7) For nationals of those countries with visa exemptions permitting stays of up to 6 months under the bilateral visa exemption arrangements, those who wish to stay in Japan for more than 90 days are required to apply for an extension of the period of stay to the Ministry of Justice (Regional Immigration Bureau) before the period of permitted stay is to expire.
(*8) Nationals of Peru (since July 15, 1995) and Colombia (since February 1, 2004), are advised to obtain a visa in advance, otherwise will be strictly examined and may be refused entry to Japan.
For more basic information of Japan https://www.japan.travel/en/my/
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